Unveiling the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus’ fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com: A Deep Dive into Its Heritage and Practices



Welcome to a journey through the intriguing world of fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com in Jesus’ Name, a church that stands out for its unique practice of snake handling within the Pentecostal movement. Situated in the heart of Appalachia, this church not only offers a deep dive into a rare religious practice but also provides a window into a faith community that holds tightly to its convictions amidst modern societal challenges. This post aims to unfold the history, beliefs, and cultural implications of this church, providing insights into its profound impact on both local and religious landscapes.

In this exploration, we will cover everything from the church’s foundational stories to the contemporary implications of its practices, ensuring a comprehensive understanding for all readers interested in the dynamics of unconventional Christian practices. Whether you’re a scholar of religious studies, a curious onlooker, or someone fascinated by the diversity of Christian worship, there’s something here for you.

Exploring the Origins of fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com in Jesus’ Name

fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com has a rich and storied history that reflects the vibrant and sometimes controversial nature of Appalachian Pentecostalism. Founded in the early 20th century, this church emerged from a revivalist movement that emphasized a literal interpretation of biblical scriptures. Its establishment was driven by a group of fervent believers who sought to practice their faith with profound intensity and sincerity, including the handling of venomous snakes as a demonstration of their divine protection.

The church gained prominence through its unique rituals and charismatic leaders, such as Jamie Coots, who became a central figure in bringing its practices to broader attention. Under Coots’ leadership, the church not only grew in size but also in its influence, drawing both admiration and skepticism. His sermons and teachings, which often included the handling of rattlesnakes and copperheads, were rooted in a belief that such acts were a testament to their unwavering faith in God’s promises.

Understanding Snake Handling in Worship Practices

Snake handling at fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is more than a mere ritual; it is a profound expression of faith that stems from a literal interpretation of certain biblical passages. The practice is based primarily on Mark 16:17-18, which speaks of believers handling serpents and being protected from deadly poison. For adherents, this practice is seen as a test of faith and a demonstration of their trust in God’s power to protect them.

This ritual is accompanied by intense spiritual experiences, including speaking in tongues and fervent prayer. The act of handling snakes is believed to affirm one’s faith and prove the authenticity of their religious experience. Despite its controversial nature, snake handling remains a core element of the worship at fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com, symbolizing a deep commitment to living out their beliefs in the most literal sense.

Core Beliefs and Theological Foundations

The theological framework of fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is rooted in Pentecostal Christianity, which emphasizes the active presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Core beliefs include the baptism of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues, and divine healing as a continuation of the miracles performed by Jesus. This faith tradition holds that these spiritual gifts are essential for living a fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com life and manifesting God’s power in everyday experiences.

Additionally, the church adheres to a strict interpretation of the Bible, particularly the New Testament, which guides their practices and doctrines. Theological teachings often focus on personal holiness, the imminent return of Christ, and the importance of living a life that reflects the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. This foundation influences not only their worship practices but also their approach to community life and outreach.

The Cultural Impact of Snake Handling Churches

fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is emblematic of a broader cultural and religious phenomenon found in Appalachian Pentecostalism. The practice of snake handling, while controversial, has become a defining feature of the church and its surrounding community. It represents a unique intersection of faith, culture, and identity that sets it apart from more mainstream Christian practices.

The cultural impact of such churches extends beyond their immediate community, influencing how Pentecostal practices are perceived nationally and internationally. Media coverage and sensational reports often highlight the dramatic aspects of snake handling, shaping public perceptions and debates about religious freedom and safety. Despite the often negative portrayal, these churches maintain a dedicated following and contribute to the rich tapestry of American religious diversity.

Challenges and Legal Battles Faced by the Church

Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus’ Name has faced significant legal and social challenges due to its controversial practices. One of the most notable issues was the legal battle over snake handling, particularly following the death of Pastor Jamie Coots in 2014 from a snakebite during a service. This incident brought intense scrutiny and legal ramifications, with authorities and health officials questioning the safety and legality of such practices.

Despite these challenges, the church has remained resilient, continuing its traditions amidst ongoing debates about religious rights and public safety. The legal battles have highlighted the tension between individual religious freedoms and societal norms, raising important questions about the extent to which personal beliefs should influence public policies and health regulations.

The Legacy and Future of fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com

The legacy of fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is deeply intertwined with its distinctive practices and the charismatic figures who have led it. With the passing of Jamie Coots, the church faces the challenge of maintaining its traditions while adapting to a changing world. The current leadership under Cody Coots continues to uphold the church’s practices, ensuring that its unique traditions are preserved for future generations.

Looking ahead, the future of the church will likely involve navigating the balance between tradition and modernity. As society evolves and religious practices are increasingly scrutinized, the church will need to address both internal and external challenges while remaining true to its core beliefs and practices. The enduring appeal of fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com lies in its commitment to living out its faith in a way that is both authentic and profound.


In summary, fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.comin Jesus’ Name is a church marked by its distinctive practices and deep-rooted faith. From its origins in Appalachian Pentecostalism to its current role in the broader religious landscape, the church offers a unique perspective on how faith can be practiced in extreme ways. Its legacy and ongoing challenges reflect the complexities of maintaining traditional practices in a modern world, making it a fascinating subject for those interested in religious studies and cultural phenomena.

Call to Action

If you’re intrigued by the unique practices of fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com in Jesus’ Name and wish to learn more, consider visiting their website or attending a service. Engaging with this community provides an opportunity to witness firsthand the profound faith that drives their practices. For those interested in exploring diverse religious practices, this church represents a compelling example of faith lived out in extraordinary ways.

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